Let go to Live.
July 26, 2022.
…It’s been 8weeks since you died…I don’t even know how…But as the days pass, I fear I’ll forget the memories and moments we did have together…I feel like as time passes and the trauma of your sudden loss continues to be unpacked, my brain can’t wrap my head around that you were here, we had moments and now you’re forever gone…
Grieving is a weird process..Learning to live again without guilt & shame is a whole other piece to the puzzle I’m working on too…I’m hoping to continue to feel it to heal it, here and now, in my journal, in my notes, outloud as i human…Even if it doesn’t make sense, pour it out onto paper, get it out of my soul to make space to welcome in the new, forward focused, to shine bright..First for me, then twice as hard for you.